Monday, December 31, 2012

So an update on what I've been painting over the holiday weekend... I picked up Gorbade Ironclaw and a unit of boar boys thinking it would be a fun simple project to flesh out my O&G army.... NOPE!

I was at a loss of words when I had to green stuff a GW FINECAST! that cost 50bucks no less... more than that, the tail of the mount broke off and the chain - (all I was doing was dry brushing with a soft brush and it snapped) Over all I HATE finecast from GW, I've had resin models from other companies and not nearly the same pain as with GW... makes me sad.

Anywho now that that's out of the way, time for the model!

As you can see he's not 100% finished... I am still trying to find out if I want to attempt the face on the boars armor plate and make it look beat up like the rest of the modal so I decided to hold off

I have one boar boy finished and waiting to be based and I'll post him with an update... I hope to have the whole unit done before I go back to work on the 2nd but we shall see..

Again thanks for looking and feedback is always welcome.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My wife and her Dark Elves, so far so good!

another small update for chaos. (note the glue isn't dry for the grass yet I just couldn't wait!)
Funny fact about this model... I've had the chariot for over 10 years and this sorcerer I got off eBay is OLD! not even sure what edition it was from, but I love the model!