Monday, December 31, 2012

So an update on what I've been painting over the holiday weekend... I picked up Gorbade Ironclaw and a unit of boar boys thinking it would be a fun simple project to flesh out my O&G army.... NOPE!

I was at a loss of words when I had to green stuff a GW FINECAST! that cost 50bucks no less... more than that, the tail of the mount broke off and the chain - (all I was doing was dry brushing with a soft brush and it snapped) Over all I HATE finecast from GW, I've had resin models from other companies and not nearly the same pain as with GW... makes me sad.

Anywho now that that's out of the way, time for the model!

As you can see he's not 100% finished... I am still trying to find out if I want to attempt the face on the boars armor plate and make it look beat up like the rest of the modal so I decided to hold off

I have one boar boy finished and waiting to be based and I'll post him with an update... I hope to have the whole unit done before I go back to work on the 2nd but we shall see..

Again thanks for looking and feedback is always welcome.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My wife and her Dark Elves, so far so good!

another small update for chaos. (note the glue isn't dry for the grass yet I just couldn't wait!)
Funny fact about this model... I've had the chariot for over 10 years and this sorcerer I got off eBay is OLD! not even sure what edition it was from, but I love the model!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Can you smell the Chaos in the air!?

Unfinished sorcerer lord on disk of Tzeentch, the blade and cloak need some more work but other than that I am pretty happy with the overall model.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Time for more green skins!!!!

Oh wait? they are red... huh... FEL ORCS IT IS!!!

These are what I'm thinking of doing for the Savage Orc Big'uns... Tell me what you think.

Okay some explanation for the picture below. The orc in the center has been dipped, I have 27 more of the savage orc boys to paint and a tournament in 24 days. (I also have a good amount of goblins to paint as well) So to speed up the process I decided to "cheat". My concern is I don't want to dip the model if it wont produce a good looking model. the 2 orcs on the side have been regular old fashion paint (layers washes ect) 

So the question.. is the dipped model up to snuff (keep in mind it will be dull coated and the shine will go away I will be posting another pic later today after the dull coat)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Orcs vs Vampire 2250 pt

I forgot to get the Army list from the VC player but its pretty much all in the report.

VC – Left to right: Dire wolves (vanguard move), Zombies, Corpse Cart, Ghouls – attached Vampire lord, Wight King, Vampire Thrall (BSB), Crypt horrors, Terrorgheist, Black coach, Vargheist
O&G – Left to right: Doom diver, Night goblins – attached Night goblin boss (BSB), Savage orcs, Savage orc big’uns – attached Savage orc Warboss, Savage orc Shaman, Arachnarok spider, Night goblins, Savage orc Boar boyz – attached Savage orc Warboss, Doom diver, Forest goblins (vanguard move)
Vampire Lord is a level 4, and has IoN, Van Hells danse macabre, Hellish Vigor and Raise dead. Vampire is a level 2 and has IoN, and Curse of Years. Also he has the Cursed book.
O&G the hand of gork

 VC turn 1
Putting the Terrorgheist true to its name it flew towards the poor forest goblins and screamed only scoring a 3 on the ld test I thought I was safe, but add the 6 wounds to the roll and it was enough for 3 forest goblins to die and panic the unit off the board. The Vampire used curse book losing one power dice to cast Doom and Darkness on the Savage orc Big’uns (-3 ld) 
 O&G turn 1
(note: The fanatic from the NG1 unit popped at the wolfs (moving 6 inches) and at the start of my turn it went in front of the wolves off the bored (we remembered to roll after I charged realizing the fanatic was supposed to be released during his first turn)
The night goblins find courage and charge the Dire wolves saving the doom diver in the back. The savage orc boar boyz in a fantastic show of orcy rage charge the Terrorghiest in the flank. The fanatic from the Night goblin 2 unit smashed into the crypt horrors Killing one. The rest of the green tide marches towards da dead fings. Both doom divers show that I should NEVER go to Vegas and do some gambling… I rolled a HIT and MISSFIRE on both doom diver shots that were aimed at the Corpse Cart. Rolling a 4 on both charts the doom divers were done for 2 rounds (sigh). Magic was a fat flop I was dispelled (it would have been nice to move the savage orc big’uns BEHIND the Ghoul unit but that’s what you get when you tangle with a level 4 vampire lord.
This was a very bloody game in the first few turns as you will soon see. The night goblins make a show of force killing 4 wolfs and losing another 5 to instability. The savage orc boar boys do fantastic, the Warboss deals 2 wounds with impact hits from armor of Gork, the Terroghiest kills one boar boy and is crushed by the remaining boys, then overrun off the board after making their kill.
 VC turn 2
Zombies and ghouls charge into the tide of green as the corpse cart and black coach both fail. The Varghiest unit no longer see the doom diver as a threat move to set up a rear charge for the savage orc big’uns. The map doesn’t represent it great but the Corpse cart is 6” from the ghouls just enough to have Vigour Mortis work. The vampire lord attempts to cast the spell with 4 power dice and is dispelled by an irresitable dispell from the savage orc shaman, the vampire lord then casts Van Hells danse macabre on the corpse cart and is successful giving the ghouls first strike and moving the corpse cart 8” closer.

CC was another bloody affair. The night goblins finish the Dire wolf and reforms to help the savage orcs. The savage orcs give choppa a new meaning by killing 15 zombies and taking no wounds and watching 10 more zombies crumble before them leaving 3 zombies remaining. I wish I could say that things for the big’uns went better but they didn’t. The Vampire issues a challenge and my warboss accept. Finding out after the fact the potion of speed is only usable on the start of the TURN the Vampire had first strike and due to initiative rerolled hits. He dealt 2 wounds to the warboss taking none due to the fact that he beguiled the warboss, making him reroll hits. The Vampire Lord dealt 7 kills to the savage orcs while the Wight King dealt 1, but the main event (the ghouls) had a staggering 34 re roll poisoned attacks that fell 14 more savage orc big’uns. Crypt horrors kill 3 more of the boyz before losing another of their rank leaving one crypt horror left. I figured the only chance I had was to try and kill the Vampire Lord, Wight King and Vampire, I was able to wound the Vampire Lord once, and the Wight King twice, and 3 more wounds killing another crypt horror. Needless to say I lost the combat… by a lot, and ran. Thankfully I out run the remaining crypt horror by 1 inch and the ghouls passed a leadership to reform.
 O&G turn 2
The blood bath continues as the fanatic slams into the Black coach dealing 1 wound and the savage orc boar boyz arrive back on the battle field only to fail their animosity and do nothing this turn, the Night goblins 2 unit fails as well and decides it would be a good idea to charge the black coach, they pass their terror and frolic towards their doom. The night goblins 1 unit moves into better position and the savage orc big’un’s rally. Magic proved helpful this time I was able to cast hand of gork with a 20 and the VC Lord only got a 19! I used this to move my savage orc big’uns to the backside of the Ghouls horde. The Arachanork turns around and fires on the varghiest but fails to wound them.
CC - The savage orcs finish the zombies with no issues at all and over runs into the corpse cart (I’m not sure that we played this right as you can only over run the first turn of the charge but the VC player insisted that with fury you always over run (true but only when you can overrun) I was too tired at this point (I normally go to bed at 8pm because I wake up at 3:45am for work) so I just deferred to him and didn’t go through the “looking up the rule ritual”) anyway the savage orcs  run into the Corpse cart. Here is the power play of the night I think. The 26 night goblins that I thought were going to just fall apart on the black coach not only beat it in combat but destroy the unit all together due to the finally unlucky roll of double 6's on LD for the crumble test! I passed my Ld test and reformed. (and yes this program makes the movement arrow’s mess up at times)
 VC turn 3
Ghouls charge the savage orcs, varghiest charge the Savage orc Big’uns, Magic channels a 2-1 for a grand 3 and I was able to channel a dice leaving me with 3 dispel and him with 3 power dice. And attempts to cast incantation but is dispelled with another double 6!
CC- The vargoyle does not challenge, but is challenged by the warboss a challenge he has to accept. (The warboss had forgotten to use the potion of speed at the start of the turn again). The champion and warboss kill each other and the last varghiest kills the shaman taking 2 wounds from the savage orc bigun’s. Thank fully I win the combat by 2 and reform, he failed his LD roll by 1 but due to the BSB didn't take any unstable wounds. The ghouls (or I should say the 3 heroes in the fun bus) proceed to lay waste to the green horde. The Vamp lord deals a mighty 7 wounds and heals himself with The Hunger special rule. The Vampire Hero deals 3 and the Wight King deals 1 followed by 3 from the ghouls and corpse cart. The savage orc boyz wound the corpse cart twice and can’t wound the lord in turn… They lose combat and run being chased down by the ghouls. The corpse cart reforms.
 O&G turn 3
Ng move back 2” Arachanrock charges the last crypt horror, the night goblins move as well as the boar boyz. THANK goodness the VC forgot about the doom divers because the look on his face when I reminded him was a good one. The doom divers rain doom (heh) on the corpse cart blowing it off the table. (I wish that was turn 1 sigh…)
CC- the Arachnarock and crypt horror fight each other and the spider takes 1 wound as the crypt horror takes 2, then crumbles due to LD. The savage orc big’uns kill one of the varghiest wounding the other one but fail the combat and flee. The Varghiest stays so he doesn’t run into the night goblins.
 VC turn 4
Ghouls attempt a charge on the NG but I chose to flee for my charge reaction moving 7” the ghouls roll a 1 – 4 for a 5 and moving the 4” forward. The varghiest moves to intersect the savage orc big’uns. Vampire lord casts Raise Dead and heals a wound from the Wight King, and fails the rest of his spells due to rolling a one on both his Vampire Lord and Hero when trying to cast augment spells.
 O&G turn 4
(the map again isn’t the best representation of the field, it came down to half an inch but the varghiest couldn’t get the orcs that were fleeing without clipping the night goblins, the goblins moved to block the savage orc boyz (because of the varghiest that was going to clip the night goblins)
The night goblins rally and savage orc boar boyz move down the field, night goblin 2 moves to block the death that the varghiest would deal to the savage orc big’un’s. Doom divers are 50% this time as only one hits the varghiest and deals 3 wounds to the unit killing 1 and wounding the other. ( I wish the other doom diver had hit because that removed the screen the goblins were providing… the savage orc’s were doomed)
 VC turn 5
Varghiest charge down the rest of the savage orc big’uns. The Ghouls charge and destroy the poor knight goblin unit. They pass the leadership to not surge foward off the board and reform awaiting the savage orc boar boyz. VC player forgets to charge with the zombies (heh)

O&G turn 5
Doom divers kill the last remaning varghiest, the savage boar boyz fail animosity and roll a 6 (thankfully) which would make them charge if they could, but they cannot reach the charge so I got to move them foward 7 inches, then march again foward, leaving the ghouls a roll of 10 to chage the boar boyz. (rarely will animosity work in my favor). Flinger hits the Ghouls leaving the unit with ASL.

 VC turn 6
Ghouls failed charge 3” and 4 dice for spells VC player casts Van Hells danse macabre and Hellish Vigor giving him reroll hits and wounds. (again forgets about the zombies)
O&G turn 6
Realizing it would be suicide to charge the ghouls now I chose to fire the doomdiver in attempt to snipe his lord and he passed the lookout sir and a ghoul died instead.

End game.
I thought I had a slight chance to pull off a win but turns out over HALF the army of VC was that one unit… I got a little over 900 victory points from VC and he took 1280 victory points to give him a solid victory.

Monday, September 17, 2012

So I decided to post my sneaky plan to add another doom diver to my wonderful army of randomness.

Heh.. That's right. Using a looted dwarf cannon to stuff little goblins in and shoot THEM instead of a cannon ball. The improvised DOOM DIVER! err Cannon DIVER! ya...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

So last post I mentioned the Warboos with the Battle axe of da last WAAAGH! well he is finished (I even attempted tattoos! 

I updated the Standard Bearer

The VC player that I have the first 2 battle reports with has finally finished (or working on finishing) his Mortis Engine. I helped with the spirits on the bottom *note its still not finished.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The savage Orc Boar Boyz are finished and now I'm moving on to finish the last 30 of the savage orc boyz

20 more boyz built 10 more to go!

This model is going to be a Savage Orc Warboss using the Battle Axe of the Last WAAAGH!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Unfinished but enjoyable model, My little friend the spider is here to play!
(ahhhhh the camera doesn't do the red justice in this picture...) 

I will be doing another battle report this weekend (I hope) Undead VS O&G 2250 points